Take the 18 Question Test

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I was reading To Sell is Human, written by Daniel Pink, and I came across a website that Pink suggested to go to.  The goal of this landing page was to determine whether I was an extrovert, introvet, or an ambivert.  An ambivert is an individual who has a personality balance of both extroversion and introversion.  I have taken a number of tests that have helped me determine if I am an extrovert or an introvert, but never an ambivert.  Usually I receive the stamp of an extrovert, but this time was a little different.  I took Pink’s test and actually received ambivert.

Not knowing exactly what this meant, I did some research.  What Pink tells us is that if we are an ambivert, we are average.  In my mind, I questioned how this could ever related to sales.  I always believed that sales people were extremely extroverted.  This is the case in some instances, but it doesn’t mean that they are the best ones for the job.  I know very little about sales, but I have definitely recognized that I am an extrovert with introverted tendencies.

Pink states that if you are more extroverted or introverted,  you should try to create a balance in the other direction.  I am more extroverted with introverted tendencies, so it will be my job to learn how to talk less and listen more.  Finding middle ground will be the goal.  Pink states, “that this will allow us to move up and down the curve, attuning ourselves as circumstances demand, and discover the hidden powers of ambiversion.”

3 thoughts on “Extrovert | Ambivert | Introvert”
  1. As a fellow ambivert I can relate to constantly being defined as an extrovert. It is my belief that ambiverts are some of the best sales people. The reason being that they can identify with both extroverts and introverts, allowing them to align with prospective clients, being more successful in the sales process.

  2. I would argue that we are all ambiverts who have introvert or extrovert tendencies. defining who we are will come down to where we fall along this scale. A scale for personality tendencies should be added to the Myers-Briggs test instead of just the “E” and “I” labeling system. good post

  3. This post brought up a great point that I never thought much about, discovering your personality type in order to be aware of tendencies you have that could be your greatest strength but also your greatest weakness. I definitely think it is important to identify your weaknesses in social interaction that can inhibit your ability to effectively sell. Simply being aware of them could save you from doing something that could ruin the sale.

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