Failure is a word that is feigned away from in the culture that we live in today. Especially at a younger level we are told that no one is a failure most of all not us. When the things that we should be taught at a young age is that the biggest learning experiences that we will have in our entire lives are from failures. without failure there is only stagnant complacency. This was talked about recently in class, we need to learn to be happy with failure. This idea not only applies to being a salesman, but life in general. However, salesmen especially need to expect to fail and be completely ok with it. A salesman that has come to terms with failure will far easier abstain from manipulating customers with devious intent. Customers will notice this and it will breed trust in the relationship. overall in salesmanship, failure is one of the biggest keys.

One thought on “Failure”
  1. Yeah Craig I agree, it seems like everyone is afraid to fail and try to do things that can’t end in failure. But failure is not something we can irradicate so it is best to lean into failure and let it teach us how to be better at whatever it is that we failed at in the first place.

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