In life, you will fail time and again.  Unfortunately, that is just how the cookie will crumble.  The more you put yourself out there, the more you will fail too.  Sadly this fear of failure is why so many are afraid to put themselves out there.  The thought of rejection is enough to put someone geared toward a career change.  I like to blame parents today for this fear of a failure and how every kid now gets a participation trophy at the end of the season; failure is deemed a terrible thing, but it is not.  Failure builds character and resilience.  Trial and tribulation builds steadfastness (James 1).  Something a lot of people do not know, the 1980 US Men’s Hockey Team lost to the Soviet Union 10-3 before the Olympics before they would go on their miracle run and win the gold.  Failure is not the end but a stepping stone towards success.

Every single entrepreneur had their failures in life.  Ray Kroc was a salesman before he stumbled upon the McDonald’s brothers; and a really bad one at that.  Sales pitch after sales pitch was a disaster.  Despite being rejected time and again he pushed on until he eventually took McDonald’s to being the number one fast food joint in the world.  Not everybody is going to have their Ray Kroc story where they literally go from the salesman to billionaire, but it takes getting back up to see if maybe you will.

Sales is a tough industry with stiff competition.  People are ruthless, and especially today, they are informed.  They will call your bluff and tell the next ten people down the line to not do business with you.  In today’s world of sales, you have to be tough and be okay to fail and not take it personally.  Rejection is not the end of the world and at the end of the day, keep your head high and remember to keep getting back up.

By Caden

3 thoughts on “Failure is a Stepping Stone”
  1. Great job! I completely agree with you and think that often times failure is seen as something you never want to encounter but normally it will be some of the best lessons you ever learn.

  2. The fear of failure can be paralyzing for many people, especially those in sales. However, it is important to remember that failure is not the end, but a stepping stone towards success. As the article highlights, many successful entrepreneurs experienced failures before achieving great success.

  3. Failure is definitely the most dreaded part of sales but as you said it is important to optimizing your abilities. If you just fear failure, you’ll never excel in your craft. It is nice to see big time people experiencing that failure because it makes it seem more human and easier to endure when you know their is a light at the end of the tunnel.

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