During the class where we tried to sell ducks for the ABT’s and what they are trying to do for women with breast cancer, I learned a lot when we went out and tried to put into action what we learned. I know that failure is apart of the process, even when trying out sales and one of the lessons that I recall was never allowing failure to determine who we are and what were trying to accomplish. In my last blog post I posted what I had learned from my mistakes, in this blog post I want to say that I’m glad I made those mistakes because learning is done efficiently when we decide to try again after failing the first attempt. The process is an amazing thing when we decide to keep moving forward and trying again and again no matter how many attempts it takes to succeed! Failure does become a bad thing when we decide to do nothing about it, if we are not willing to make the changes that are necessary to move forward, well then nothing gets accomplished. This goes for every area of life (not just sales), we are all human and we will make mistakes and that is great when we decide to put into action what we need to do better the next time, but expect nothing if you don’t do anything about it.

2 thoughts on “Failure is Good When Learned From!”
  1. I love your positive attitude toward mistakes! While they are not fun in the moment, we learn the most from our failures in the long run. Thank you for reminding us to look back on our mistakes to learn how to be better in the future!

  2. Jack, well done, this post is very informative! I really liked when you gave a tangible real life of learning from your mistakes. Your attitude is so positive and I think it is something that will take you far if you end up going into sales.

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