Evan Adams’ series of talks covered a plentitude of really cool and relevant topics that I can see myself applying in my career no matter what I end up doing. In his second talk is when he brought up the different sales personality types.

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I found it somewhat encouraging when Evan said that we will each exhibit tendancies from all of these and that it is possible to train yourself to grow into one personality more so than the others. Another extremely comforting sentament was when Evan, said that he himself would categorize as a Relationship Builder, but that he found ways to grow into a role as the Challenger.

I find this comforting because I would clasify myself as a Relationship Builder down to the core. If not a Relationship Builder, then next would probably be Hard Worker. Neither of these would I consider to be totally efficient or glorious roles. I aim to please constantly and find myself holding back my genuine thoughts often. It is for this reason that I would do customers a disservice. I would be caring, but not helpful.

It is my new goal to learn how to understand and challenge people, so that I can genuinely help them. I truly care about serving others, but without being able to give my real opinion or helping others to expand their horizons then my attention and work is worthless. I want to be more than good listener and attentive, I want to be affective and impactful in the lives of customers, and to do that I need a little bit more challenger in me.

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