YouTube has really helped people gain fame and fortune over the years, and that is nothing short for the members of FaZe Clan. FaZe originally started out as an online gaming community, and it has grown into so much more than that. The members of FaZe are comedic characters who post content on YouTube and live stream their gameplay through different services (mainly Twitch). In 2014, the big named members of FaZe Clan moved into a house together in New York. The house is now worth around $800,000. Little did they know, this is where their fame and fortune would start. They continued to post gaming videos on their YouTube channels and really started to gain a following. Mind you these guys were around 19 and 20 years old at the time. This really goes to show that anything is possible if you put your mind to it. After a little time had passed, they had begun to post vlogs on their channels too. This is where they gained more fans for their personalities rather than their content. To earn money through YouTube, you create partnerships with different companies and they pay you for add space. The members of FaZe clan are looked at a bunch of goofy gamer dudes, but really they are young entrepreneurs. They have upgraded to a new house in Los Angeles that is worth around $10 million. Through gaming videos, vlogs, and linking up with other big names in Hollywood, FaZe Clan has really grown to a much bigger scale. They have learned to sell their content, their merchandise, and most importantly themselves. They are always up to something, and it is very entertaining to watch. Looking at the history of FaZe Clan, not only is it a great story of young entrepreneurial men, but it is inspiring for younger viewers to help show them that anything is possible and you should do what you love.

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