When handling objections from customers, it is crucial for a salesperson to have effective ways to combat objections. Although, like Professor Sweet talks about, there is a time to let them go and “push towards the no” you must first exhaust all avenues to see if the customer is a fit for what you are selling.

The technique I will be talking about is the feel, felt, found technique.  This technique helps you acknowledge your prospect’s objection, relate to their situation, and present a positive outcome. This allows the salesperson to show the prospect that they understand how they feel and that their objection is valid. It allows the salesperson to share a story or an example of how someone else felt the same way as them before they tried the product in question. The story you provide shows how your product or service benefited or gave a solution to the problem the prospect had. The feel, felt, found technique helps the salesperson build trust and credibility with the prospects.

For example, say you are selling a pair of beats headphones. If the prospect were to say, “these would be nice to have, but the cost of $200 is way to high.” You could use the feel, felt, found technique in this instance. You can say, “Mr./Mrs. ____ I understand how you feel about the price of the beats, lots of people have felt this way.  But, when they tried out the beats they found that they are well worth the $200 with the sound quality, light weight, and sleek look.”

This approach is a very effective way to handle objections from your prospects. This is just one of many ways to combat objections.


Feel. Felt. Found.

One thought on “Feel, Felt, Found Objection Handling Technique – Blog Post #8”
  1. The feel, felt, found technique is a great way to handle objections in a sales conversation! Using a story of other customers reminds me of the third-party stories we discussed in class this last week. It is cool to see how these ideas work together.

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