We talked about prospecting in class and finding quality prospects. It is important to find quality prospects because those are the ones that will actually become a quality customer. Here are a few additional tips for finding quality prospects.

1. Look for Signs of Dissatisfaction

People are not always open to change a process or system. A way to tell when someone is ready for change is when they express frustration or dissatisfaction with their current situation. A prospect might share this frustration with you during a conversation. Or you might pick up on it while listening to them talk to someone else. Now that you have uncovered this prospect’s problem and they acknowledge it is time for change. All you have to do is be teh one who delivers the perfect solution.

2. Monitor Buyers’ Digital Movements

Not every prospect has the same purchasing process. Over time your company will notice a process that most customers go about purchasing. Along the way to purchasing most prospects consume certain content and take specific actions as they research and evaluate their options. Ideally your marketing team has mapped these content consumption and action patterns with the overall buying process. Once you have the information mapped out then you can have a better analysis of what you can do better for the customer.

3. Connect Purchases to Company Initiatives

The most promising opportunities are the ones in which the purchase will prove instrumental to a company’s strategic goals or vision. By seeing and monitoring what is going on in your respective markets, you can see what companies are struggling with problems. You then identify the ones that require a solution such as yours.

4. Gain Their Trust

Making a B2B purchase can be overwhelming for many buyers. It’s no wonder so many of them welcome offers to simplify that process. As you interact with prospects, help them navigate the purchase process. This help can come in many forms. You could offer content or information, advise them on how to conduct their research, or connect them with an expert who can answer a question. You could even assist them in determining whether your solution is the most fitting one. This shows them that you are being honest with them and honesty is the biggest part of trust. By being honest, demonstrating that your solution is the best option, being helpful, you are more likely to get their business.

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