How would one be a salesman for a freemium model, such as for an app with in-app purchases? It should be kind of hard if you think about it.

The freemium model, is built upon purchasing or getting a free product such as an app from the Apple App Store on your phone. Once you download it, you can play or use the app for free, many times with ads. To get the ads to go away or get different features unlocked to use, you have to pay. This seems very hard to sell something that is free to an extent.

I would be one of the hardest ones to sell something like this too. Many times when I get a new app or game, it’s because it’s free. I proceed to play the game until I have to pay and/or avoid paying until its no longer possible. If i had to pay to continue, or pay to play the game or use the app, I would not have bought the app in the first place.

I will say, I have never seen a salesman that is selling a product with a freemium model. I find that is kind of unnecessary because the first part of the sales process revolves around the fact that it is free to use the app initially. The app itself sells you the rest and the revenue from ads also help the company make revenue. This would be another extremely hard job to do with selling as people enjoy free, and like me would shut you out as soon as money becomes involved.

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