After I found out how much I loved entrepreneurship and had decided to commit to grove city the following semester (spring 2021) I took two dual enrollment classes. The first is Bib Rev which already basically committed me to GCC seeing as I have no idea where else that course could be transferred and accepted. The second class was Law for Entrepreneurs with Keneth Smith. No regrets.

Law for entrepreneurs had the best setup for learning and understanding what you were learning. When I took the class, it was a Monday Wednesday Friday class. Each week you would learn and go over a different aspect of the law. To start off the class would have a specific venture the TA was “launching”. On Monday professor smith would lecture to the class on the current material. He would often ask students questions trying to get them involved and thinking. Then on Wednesday, we would have a zoom class with an actual lawyer where we could ask questions and get her point of view on any important parts pertaining to the unit that is crucial for the business to consider. Then on Thursday night at midnight, your Law Memos were due. These were documents describing how you, based on the knowledge you had obtained that week, would recommend the “business owners” act and do to avoid future complications. Every week on Friday then, two volunteers (or not) would present to the class their own memos. It was also nice to see what they had included. You were allowed to add to your memo it just would not affect that certain memos grade as you had already turned it in.

At the end of the course, you have a big project that has to do with those specific memos. You were to compile all of the information in making it into one, communicating with the “business” was the most important action to take. At first, that seemed daunting but due to how he set up the class it was fairly easy since you basically already had the most important actions of every unit anyone in the form of your weekly memos. Overall the class was amazing and really fun. I learned a lot about what type of business entity to choose, things your should and shouldn’t do when you planning on leaving your business to start your own, types of liability, and more. I for sure recommend this class. It was fairly average in difficulty but still is really intriguing and important if you are again going into this field.

By Tessa

One thought on “GCC Entr Classes pt 2: Law for Entrepreneurs”
  1. Very interesting to hear someone speak so highly of a law class. I remember taking business law and in was very dry and textbooky. Glad to hear this law class was interesting and interactive.

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