As discussed in class we contrasted the older ways of selling versus the newer ways of selling.  When we think of salespeople we may think of cheesy or slimy individuals who are just telling us what they think we want to hear or by annoying us to the point of sale.  What about the new sales models? Relationship-based, need-based, solution oriented…but is this any better if it still comes from a heart of closing the deal, a little bit of I will tell you what you want to hear, or will befriend you just so you continue to buy from me.  How as believers do we represent Christ in the workplace, but more specifically in sales?

As believers we know honesty from dishonesty, this can be stretching the truth to close a deal, or from relating with a client that you have nothing in common with so you lie about it.  Ultimately, if we genuinely care for people and don’t check our reflection of Christ in us at the door then the way we sell should reflect Him and what is right. Genuinely caring for a client and building a relationship because you genuinely care will go much further than lying and fluffing your way through a sale or interaction.  This will then be lead to respect for the buyer and will drive you to want to find a solution for this individual who is in need of your product or service.

We must be careful as believers to not check our relationship with the Lord at the door and fit into the mold of a new sales model.  I know with my limited experience with salespeople that I have sensed a fake genuine attitude and being on the other side of it as a sales associate with people I work with, they can go from trashing a customer to all smiley and sweet in order to make a sale to that same person. As Christians, we must represent Christ in a way that is genuinely joyful, concerned, serving others to reach a solution and maintain a relationship with the client that is genuine.

One thought on “Genuine??”
  1. I’ve had a similar conversation with Prof. Sweet several times now, and it all seems to come down to working for a company that you 1. believe in, and 2. believes in HELPING The customer and not just making the close. I’m still skeptical, but I do think that the area of sales has completely changed in the best 20 years. It is not the beast it used to be, but with that i think comes a sneakier type of deceit.

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