One of the most important things to do in the sales process is to make sure you get to the key decision maker. Nothing is worse than getting through a great and successful sales situation and realizing that the person with who you have been speaking has zero power to actually make the sale.

Talking to someone that is higher up the chain of command or that actually has the buying power can help you get all the information necessary to achieve your desired outcome. Sometimes however it can be difficult to get to the right people. Often, if a company has a particular barrier in place then you will have to find a way around those. A good way to do that is to convince the person that is the ”barrier” what the value of your sale can be.

You can accomplish by asking the right questions and putting the “barrier’ person at ease. If they see that you are asking good questions that really should be answered by another person then they may be able to help you get to the next step.

Finally, building a good relationship with the barrier can be helpful. Sometimes you have to take some small steps in order to get past the barrier. While you don’t want to waste your time with someone who can’t actually help you close  the sale, you still want to make them feel important. So be intentional, ask the right questions to get to the next step, and get to the next level!

One thought on “Getting to a Key Decision Maker”
  1. It’s always important to identify the key decision makers, so as not to waste time in the sales conversation. I like your coverage of this topic: it’s definitely important to set the barrier contact at ease.

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