Early this semester I was informed by my friends in the Grove City Marching Band that next year the band would be going to Disney World. Hearing this, I immediately began coming up with a sales plan for how I would get to Disney World with the band next year. Using the knowledge I gained in Sales For the Startup I tackled the challenge before me, and this is what happened.

First, I needed to find a position that I would fit in. I don’t play any instruments (besides the kazoo), I don’t have baton twirling capabilities (yet) and I knew that I probably wouldn’t look very good in the kick-line’s big white boots. I began investigating other potential opportunities within the band and I found the position of Band Manager. Band Managers are generally glorified waterboys and crossing guards for the band, but they also got to go to Disney, so my investigation was a success.

Secondly, I needed to come up with a pitch. I needed to convince Dr. Pisano (head of the music department at Grove City) that I was the perfect candidate for Band Manager. I decided to include information about my leadership in Boy Scouts, my community and in other music groups I have been a part of and to tell him that I could manage the band as I already know the majority of people within it.

Thirdly, I needed to sell myself to him in person. I went to office and spoke to him about the position, but he had said that, because of the Disney trip, almost twenty other students came in looking to fill the position of Band Manager. I told him that if he just gave me five minutes I could convince him that I was Band Manager material, but when my time started, I decided to ask him questions about the music department. I asked him what problems the band faces, where they see themselves in the future, what he would change, and what he looks for in a band manager. I spent four of my five minutes asking questions, and my last minute was spent selling. I found out that the band needed a new Voice of The Wolverines (announcer for every football game) and that the website and social media accounts needed a facelift. I shifted my initial pitch about my leadership experience to my experience as a radio talkshow host and to my history in web and graphic design.

I walked out of that office as the new Voice of The Wolverines and as Head Band Manager.

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