When it comes to engaging with prospective clients, the most crucial part of your interaction is navigating the sometimes sensitive subject of price and budgets. Most often, deals are lost because a salesperson failed to adequately assess the financial needs of their client. This issue, however, is easily avoided by performing a few simple steps. First, as a salesperson, you must ask questions to identify, what a client’s goals might be, clarify their pain points, determine bare necessities, and then typical buying behavior. Once these issues have been addressed, then you are better equipped to handle asking about a client’s budget. With the basics in place, it becomes essentially effortless to work with the client, as they understand that you truly want to understand their particular circumstances, you convey a desire to serve their interests, and you also demonstrate that you don’t want to make a hasty assumption about what you believe based on superficial information about what they may want or be able to afford. Take your time, ask lots of questions, and don’t leave a meeting without having discussed a budget. Doing a few simple things such as this can go a long way to creating a sustainable relationship with clients.

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