Good salespeople need to balance the goal to close a sale with an approach to the sales process that does not come across as pushy or manipulative. One of the effects of the conventional “always be closing” mindset is a push to go for the close even during the prospecting phase. However, Sandler’s 8th Rule—to always go for an appointment—rightfully corrects this common convention.

Helpfully, David Mattson defines prospecting as “a set of activities for identifying prospective users of your product or service—nothing more and nothing less.” During the prospecting phase, it is crucial for the salesperson to avoid shutting down the possibility of a deal by rushing things. Therefore, the goal of a sales call during the prospecting phase should always be oriented toward a follow-up appointment, and not necessarily a close.

There are two primary benefits of going for the appointment.

Relieves pressure from your prospect.

One of the fastest ways to kill a deal is to make your prospect feel as if they are being rushed into a purchase they don’t need. Rather than going for the close, an emphasis on a follow-up appointment can make the prospect feel at ease and more likely to explore the possibility of a deal moving forward. Don’t pressure your prospect into making a decision immediately. Let the deal be a mutual agreement.

Builds trust with your prospect.

As a salesperson, your job is not just to make a deal. Part of your task is to cultivate a long-term, trusting relationship with the client. When a client trusts you, they are more likely to come back and do business with you and more likely to tell others about your services. Being too pushy at the outset of a sales encounter can turn your prospect away. Going for an appointment, on the other hand, shows the prospect that you are interested in more than just a deal—you want to help them.

Remember, when you are prospecting, you are not trying to immediately close a deal. Your goal should be to set up another meeting with that prospect. Approaching prospecting from this vantage point can bring you strides ahead in terms of relieving pressure and building trust with your potential client.

By David

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