Are YOU a salesperson?

No! might be your gut reaction, but the trends say that it is becoming more popular. In his book To Sell Is Human, Daniel Pink discusses a recent survey. According to the results, most “traditional” Sales roles have been steadily declining over the past decade. Companies are moving towards an all-in effort, where each employee is in the business of persuasion.

When polled, most people said that 40% of their day was engaged in persuading or engaging with customers. They also answered that this time was crucial to their success in their roles. The fact of the matter is that, in some way, most of us have sold something, at some time in our lives. From lemonade, puppies, rainbow loom bracelets or crochet animals, a hard sell was part of our childhood at some point.

Now what about “soft” selling? Pink discusses the other kind of sales; Non-Sales Selling. This is where employees are answering questions, providing tech support, or reaching out to companies. Often mislabeled as customer service or building relationships, these opportunities pave the way for a sale.

Pink emphasizes the fact that people are no longer fans of the pushy, sleazy used car salesman. They want someone to answer their questions and care about their family. Customers are seeking out more research, and companies want to know more about who they do business with.

Pink concludes with this point; Non-Sales Selling is becoming crucial to the actual selling of a product. The relationships and the way customers feel they are treated has become the focal point of sales. Employees in all areas are now engaging with customers to help ease pains and answer questions. Pink’s point is clear- sales is no longer a department. It is the entire company.

One thought on “Gravity Of Non-Sales Selling”
  1. You summed up what Pink talks about in his book very concisely! Non-sales selling is becoming more and more prominent every day. I like how you mention that relational selling is one reason why non-sales selling is growing. Another reason we discussed in class that is contributing to the growth of non-sales selling is the rise of technology and the shift of knowledge that buyers and sellers possess.

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