Alright, friends, let’s analyze this scene.

While I am a fan of Tony Stark, and while I find this scene hilarious, there are a number of reasons why it is not the greatest sales pitch. Let me explain,

  1. Knowing your buyer. First of all, Stark doesn’t know what the army is looking for. He didn’t take the time to ask what sort of a war their fighting, what type of bomb they need, the problems that they’ve had in the past, etc. In a movie situation, that’s okay, but in real life he could have just missed a really big sales opportunity.
  2. Risk of spending 500 million dollars. Honestly, showing the bomb and saying that you only have to use it once is impressive and all, but I’m sure the army had some questions about. How many miles does it cover? How long do they have to wait before running into an area that has been bombed previously? Is there a way to scale the size depending on what they are attacking?
  3. Confidence vs. over-confidence. While confidence is key, over-confidence comes off as arrogant. It makes Stark seem unapproachable and another competitor more appealing.

By KimAA1

One thought on “Greatest Sales Pitch?”
  1. This is a funny clip, but I do agree with your analysis. I think Stark is a little to pre-occupied with himself to realize that he is trying to sell something.

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