The article “What Makes a Good Salesman” in the Harvard Business Review provides an insightful analysis of the qualities that make a successful salesman. The article argues that a good salesman is not just someone who can sell products, but someone who can build relationships with customers and add value to their lives.

One of the key qualities that the article highlights is empathy. A good salesman should be able to put themselves in the customer’s shoes and understand their needs and concerns. By empathizing with the customer, the salesman can build a relationship based on trust and mutual understanding.

Another essential quality that the article mentions is curiosity. A good salesman should be curious about the customer’s business and industry, and ask insightful questions that help them understand the customer’s needs. This curiosity can also help the salesman learn about the customer’s pain points and offer solutions that add value to their business.

The article also emphasizes the importance of being a good listener. A good salesman should be able to listen carefully to the customer’s needs and concerns, and respond with relevant solutions. By listening attentively, the salesman can build a relationship based on trust and mutual understanding.

In addition to these qualities, the article suggests that a good salesman should be able to articulate the value proposition of their product or service clearly. This means being able to explain how the product or service can help the customer achieve their business goals and overcome their challenges.

Finally, the article highlights the importance of perseverance. Selling is not always easy, and a good salesman should be able to persist in the face of rejection and setbacks. By staying committed to their goals, a good salesman can achieve success in the long run.

In conclusion, the article “What Makes a Good Salesman” provides an excellent analysis of the qualities that make a successful salesman. Empathy, curiosity, good listening skills, clear communication, and perseverance are all essential qualities that can help a salesman build relationships with customers and add value to their lives. By cultivating these qualities, a salesman can achieve long-term success in sales.

2 thoughts on “Harvard Business Review and Sales”
  1. Preston. I think your point about curiosity is really good! It definitely helps for customers to feel that they have people who are genuinely interested in them. Not only that, but you can learn a lot from being curious too!

  2. Great insight on this article Preston. The article outlines key traits and behaviors that contribute to success in sales, including strong communication skills, a customer-focused mindset, adaptability, resilience, and a passion for the product or service being sold. The author emphasizes the importance of building relationships, understanding the customer’s needs, and providing solutions that add value. By embodying these qualities and approaches, sales professionals can not only meet their targets but also build long-term relationships with their customers and contribute to the overall success of their organization.

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