caveat Emptor, Latin for “let the buyer beware,” is a phrase that places the responsibility of purchase on the buyer, assuming that sellers have an unfair advantage in a sales scenario.

Over the past decade, there has been a shift of information available to buyers with the wide adoption of the internet. This has turned the tables on sellers with the phrase caveat Venditor, “let the seller beware”. An example of this can be seen in how we now buy cars.

  1. We now do our own research online, discovering what it is we want… and even finding where we can get it.
  2. We go into dealerships or car lots armed with the information we have found online, including what a fair price for the said car is.
  3. We get a car that satisfies our needs, without the historical pressure that once existed in traditional lots.

How did your experience buying a car go?

By Cameron Suorsa

Entrepreneur, Student, and Intern.

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