Honesty is one of the most valued attributes of any human and is very important in being a successful salesman. When a salesman is honest and has a track record of being honest, customers can trust what the salesman is saying. They can trust they are getting a good deal, or that the product is as good as he is saying. Honesty allows for a sale to go smoothly with little questioning and fact checking from the customer. In a sale it is helpful for the salesman to present the facts as facts and not twist them. Another valuable attribute to selling is discernment. A good salesman must be discerning with information they give the client. The salesman needs to be honest, but at the same time revealing too much information too soon can me detrimental to a sale. Not necessarily because it is bad information, but because this extra information is not what the customer looking for. A customer might be in need of a computer that can help the customer schedule appointments and run daily business operations, the computer that you are selling can does that in addition to a million other things. A good salesman will not dwell on the million other things the computer can do, but instead show how the computer can meet the needs of the customer. A good salesperson will present the benefits of the product that meet the needs of the customer but nothing more unless the customer asks. They will let the customer do most of the talking and answer any questions that the customer has. In conclusion, a good salesman must be both honest and discerning with the information they give their client.

One thought on “Honesty vs. TMI”
  1. This provided a better understanding of how to properly reveal information about the product or service that the salesperson is selling. It is important to know the customers needs and reveal how you can meet those needs in a way that wont scare off the customer. Honesty is also very important. If a salesperson is not honest they may be able to make the initial sale, but an unhappy customer will not come back for future sales.

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