My experience in the hot seat was full of highs and lows. Allow me to paint the picture, me, a young strapping 19 year old salesman for KANE active footwear is selling to Liz, the general manager of DSW. The sales process is going great, I am asking leading questions, I am finding their pain/hole in their footwear sales, and then bang… I hear screaming? It came from the other TA none other than Lizzy (commonly mistaken as Liz, yes they are two different people), she stumbles down the steps and sets a chair up for herself right next to Liz. Lizzy was clearly in a rush; however, Liz was totally calm, so the question I asked myself was who do I mimic. I failed, instead of asking a leading question to understand who the decision maker in the process was, I assumed it was the original buyer, which was wrong. I know the importance of mimicry and recently learned how important it is as well as the importance of finding out who the decision maker is in the buying process.

2 thoughts on “Hot Hot Hot”
  1. Choosing who to mimic in a conversation is essential. It can definitely be very confusing when someone throws you a curveball in a sales conversation, but you definitely just have to adjust on the fly and figure our the best way to proceed. And deciding who to mimic is super important.

    Good luck in finals and I hope you have a fantastic last couple weeks!

  2. Your sales conversation definitely took an unexpected turn, and I think that you handled it well. The question of who to imitate is obviously a very tough one. I think that, in general, everyone should just remember that anything can happen in a sales conversation, and you just have to be ready for it.

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