Today we discussed ambiverts and how they are often a great balance in sales. I have heard of the term ambivert before, but I appreciated reading that being an ambivert is helpful in life, not just confusing. Most of the time this is how I feel about being an ambivert:

It makes sense, however, that ambiverts make good sales people. As pink said, “The notion that extroverts are the finest salespeople is so obvious that we’ve overlooked one teensy flaw. There’s almost no evidence it’s actually true.”

The danger with extroverts is that they may talk too much or listen too little. They are geared to respond. Thus, the balance that is essential to sales can be difficult for extroverts. Likewise with introverts, although they are often great listeners, they are often geared to inspect and not always geared to make a sale. All sales, however, requires a balance of inspecting and responding. Since ambiverts tend to find this balance easily, they are often great at speak and listening, at understanding and motivating. As we discussed in class, are the best movers because they’re the most skilled attuners. So as an ambivert, it is nice to know that that ambivert tendencies actually can aide in selling for a company or even selling yourself.

I also think that knowing about ambiverts can help people not define others too quickly or too extremely. Knowing that there is a sort of middle ground can help both salespeople and buyers alike. You don’t necessarily have to fall into one of two categories. You may be a mixture of many different things.

One final thing that can help when thinking about personality types and sales is remembering not to stereotype too quickly. You may pick up easily on someone’s personality, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you know exactly what they’re looking for in a sale. Understanding someone’s personality will help you connect with them more easily. From there it should be easier to know how and what to sell to them.

One thought on “How Being an Ambivert can be Great for Sales”
  1. Personally, I have recently been struggling with understanding if I was an introvert or an extrovert. when we took the quiz in class and I resulted in ambivert, it was comforting to know what that actually was and made me feel cool as to the fact that I would be an awesome sales person. Good post!

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