As an aspiring entrepreneur, I was recently asked the question of how I define success. I believe that understanding this question is foundational to your career, and more importantly your life. As a Christian, I have a different perspective on what success looks like than the secular world, and I recognize that if I don’t have a focus on my end goal success then I can get to the end of my life and have completely missed the mark.

Everyone defines success differently and that is OKAY. Only you can define success for yourself. If you operate as if financial wealth is success, but in reality it was investing in family then you can be dissapointed in the way you spent your time.

The question of what success looks like is an important question that deserves your time and attention. I plan on spending a good chunk of time this summer to giving the question some time to resonate and to find my answer.

I challenge you to take some time to consider what success looks like for you.

2 thoughts on “How Do You Define Success?”
  1. This is something that the men’s soccer team here is always contemplating. Obviously we want to be successful on the field but we have to remind ourselves that the scoreboard is not what determines our overall success. It is different from other teams but we see success as glorifying God and creating positive relationships within the team and community.

  2. Looking at success is usually always job or money oriented. Taking a real look at success may cause you to think that it could be defined in other ways.

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