Search Engine Optimization is a subject that I am taking a class on at the moment and it is very applicable to what I am learning in Sales in a startup. SEO is all about optimizing your website so that it is following a search engine’s rules so that your website appears as close to the top of a Web page as possible. SEO is very important to sales now that I think about it, SEO is a great way to drive traffic to a website where you can sell things or you can use it to get leads to sell to. If you are trying to sell a product and you do not have a good website presence then an effective way that customers can find you is not viable. If you focus on improving your SEO presence then you can expose your business and content to a much larger audience and have way more people contacting you and more people than you can possibly sell to.

A second way that SEO applies to sales is that an Entrepreneurial business is always fighting to get its idea out there and establish itself as a company. In a very competitive marketplace, any advantage you can get could make or break you and if you have a stronger SEO presence than your competitors you will drive more sales and outperform your competitors. If you are trying to launch a new company and trying to sell a product SEO is a necessary strategy to implement.  Defining SEO and its Best Practices | Status Labs

One thought on “How does SEO apply to sales?”
  1. This is a great connection you’ve made from two great classes! SEO is a huge asset to salespeople as it helps increase the likelihood of a consumer coming across your website or product!

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