Ebay.com has been around for about 17 years. Its value prop is pretty simple, but it revolutionized buying as we know it. Since started, customers have had the ability to be their own salesmen. To decide price range, gain knowledge of the product, portray worth, and market in any way they find helpful. So what does this mean for “traditional” salesmen? To me, it means that customer relationship is more important than ever. Building rapport, and convincing them that the service and knowledge that you provide is worth the extra effort and often price that it takes to leave the house, and search in brick and mortar stores for what you’re looking for. Another outcome of this is importance in overall knowledge of sales techniques and practices. With sales experience, ability, and or knowledge you are able to sell anything using sites such as Ebay. Yet another reason why this class is so very important!

One thought on “How Ebay changed the selling game”
  1. Technology has changed so much in the way of sales. It has transformed who is selling and how those salespeople interact with a customer and who has the power in that situation.

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