There is nothing wrong with being a positive person.  For individuals who are more positive, people tend to like to be around them more often.  This can be the case in sales.  Whenever an individual enters a sales situation they feel much more welcomed into it whenever they are greeted with a smile and a “How are you doing” rather than a smirk and a “How’s it going?”  But is there such thing as too much positivity?  Without a shadow of doubt there is.  It can be situational that too much positivity can be seen as a bad thing.  If you are trying to sell a patient on a certain treatment for their cancer too much positivity can be seen as disrespectful and strange.  In a more traditional sales situation we can think of someone on a budget who is tight on money.  Being overly positive can leave the customer unhappy and disconnected from the situation.  Even in positive sales situations too positive is very prevalent.  There is a ratio of positivity that needs to be addressed and that is a 3:1 ratio.  You are not too negative that you push them away from the sale but you are not too positive that you weird them out.  In every sales situation there is a level of negativity that is always necessary whether it be the situation or even about some of what you are selling.  For example, not everything you are selling will be beneficial to the customer, some of your stuff will not put them in a positive position after the sale.  Confessing that a product of yours is not for them is negative but positive for the sales situation.  If you were to try and sell them a product that is not useful to them, the customer will likely not want to work with you going forward.  There has to be a balance in being positive and negative in a sales situation and it will very between even single event.

By Caden

2 thoughts on “How Positive is too Positive?”
  1. I totally agree that people can be too positive, especially when you treat sales in the conventional way. That type of extra positivity feels fake and off-putting. By adding a hint of truthful negativity prospects feel like you are being honest and real with them and it builds trust.

  2. I think you make a great point! Some people get lost in the idea that they have to be overly positive and that leads to putting out a persona that is not wholesome or humble. Finding that perfect amount of positivity may be hard at first but it will pay dividends in the future!

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