The World is changing at an increasingly fast pace. In 2020 when the world was rocked by the Coronavirus breakout the whole world had to change how things were done and Sales were no exception. Once the Pandemic hit full force the usual sales tactics of meeting and selling in person were no longer healthy or feasible for business. Sales had to move to a digital approach to survive. This new type of selling required a more digital/ data-driven approach.

In our current sales climate, many products are now digital and this means that salespeople need to be able to switch the way they think about going about a sale. It is no longer about trying to win the customer but it is now about trying to show the customer the value of your product. Even if the product is not a digital product many of today’s products have a digital component or are compatible with a digital feature. This means that salespeople now need to be able to be knowledgeable about the digital sphere and be able to answer any questions a customer might have. Salespeople need to understand the digital aspects of their products and be able to accurately explain the value of the digital features to their customers.

The final change in today’s sales climate is the easy access to knowledge regarding products. All it takes is a few keystrokes for a customer to find out in-depth information on a product they’re interested in. That means that salespeople are not going to be able to trick or fool the customer with false information. Salespeople need to go into an interaction with a customer under the assumption that the customer is already familiar with the product and deception will not help sell the product. Overall Sales has changed dramatically in a very short period of time and it seems like it is still evolving.

3 thoughts on “How Sales has changed in this new Digital Environment”
  1. I completely agree. I think that the new age of sales will transform the way we are taught how to sell. It will be a long process but i think this is the first stage of the transformation. Surviving in sales has transformed into the digital world.

  2. This is a very solid post! I agree with all of your points and I think that it is really important to realize just how much the sales world has changed with the digital age. We need to be able to adapt our practices a bit to be as successful.

  3. I really like your point about access to product information. I know that anytime I spend money online, I really consider the product and read reviews because it is so easily accessible. I agree that sales is still evolving, even after Covid. Thanks for sharing!

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