Psychology indicates that empathy is closely connected with an individual’s ability to mirror the body language, intonation, and speaking style of another. Learning how to read people and then repeat their gestures and words back strengthens rapport and could lead to greater sales conversions. But it can also be extremely difficult. Follow these few, simple steps below to unlock the mystery that will make you want to dress up in white and black and start wearing a beret:

  • Don’t be a copycat. It’s creepy and annoying if you start breathing and moving exactly like someone else. Instead, try to pay close attention to how another person directs his body and voice and subconsciously, choose a few of those nuances to attempt yourself.
  • Do pay attention to body form. If someone tells you they hit the gym every night but their physique suggests something otherwise, listen to their comments with a grain of salt. This doesn’t mean you should stereotype. But it does mean that body language and image must correlate. Shifty eyes may mean more than you think.
  • Put on your best poker face. People have “personal tells,” or ticks, things that are inherent to them and them alone. Read their cards to tell what type of hand their holding. A CEO might start scratching the tip of his nose if he was irritated with what someone was telling him. Be aware of these things so that you don’t accidentally mime the wrong message.

Follow these few tips to become a better mime and a better salesperson. What suggestions can you add to the list?

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