An elevator pitch is a condensed version of your business idea. It’s called an elevator pitch because it should be succinct enough to convey the idea in the time it takes to change floors. Here are five steps to take your elevator pitch to the next level.

1) It’s OK for it to sound a bit sales-y as long as the concept is clearly communicated. It is OK to use words like: original, pioneeringcertified, leading and dominant.

2) Check for “stop” words, or words that make the person you are speaking to take pause.

3) Avoid “buzzwords” whenever possible. Phrases like: outside the box, streamline, synergy and paradigm shift. Keep your message clear and concise.

4) Try utilizing a question in your pitch.

5) Know your business. Try to communicate what makes your idea different than the rest of the market. Most ideas are unoriginal, what makes your delivery or target market unlike everyone else’s?


2 thoughts on “How to Create an Elevator Pitch”
  1. These five steps are very helpful to understanding how to best construct an effective elevator pitch! I think #5 is one of the most helpful steps – it’s important to understand that your unique delivery or target audience might be what sells your product.

  2. Adapting your elevator pitch to not only your business but also to yourself can be helpful in a sales. With the same rules, an effective pitch that sells yourself can even influence what you are selling.

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