I read a great sales article that I had some interesting takeaways from. Interestingly, this article included studies from human psychology and behavior, which are unknown and unseen aspects of the sales process:

  1. To establish trust you need to establish credibility – it is proven that humans have a tremendous fear of the unknown, and a great way to reduce this to establish your credibility in the sales process. This does not always need to be extreme product knowledge, but can be something like being trustworthy and likeable.
  2. It is crucial to show empathy. This is something that I often struggle with in life and in the sales process. It is vital to ask customers questions to genuinely enquire about their lives and remaining in the client’s shoes. This is vital to help build a solid relationship and foundation with the customer.
  3. Finally, the most crucial thing to remember for a salesperson is to be consistent. The article mentions a saying that I love: “consistent activities deliver consistent results”. If you are consistent in your behavior, connections, and promises, then you are more likely to help genuinely meet the needs of the clients, which will hopefully lead to more business for yourself.

I thought that this article was an excellent read and these are some foundational pillars of sales that we can all remember.


Article Link: https://www.yesware.com/blog/gain-trust-in-sales/

By Asher

2 thoughts on “How to Gain Trust in the Sales Process”
  1. I really like this, Asher, and I like how you made it personal by adding a bit of your own experience to it! These points could also apply to how we live our personal lives, I think the more honest and serving we become as people, the better we will be in sales.

  2. Trust, Empathy, and Consistency. These qualities are so important in life in general that they are undeniably beneficial for the sales process. They could be considered as a prerequisite to your sales prowess.

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