I recently read an article on how to improve as a salesperson. I thought there were some great tips that I wanted to share.

Article Link: https://blog.hubspot.com/sales/how-to-improve-sales-skills

Here are some of the best pieces of advice that I read in the article:

  1. Sales Demoing – one of the most important part of the sales process for many products is to run client through a “test drive” or demonstration of the product or even service. This can help increase the confidence of your client in your product or service and it can be a great way for you to help show how your product can help solve their problem or pain.
  2. Social Selling – this refers to how salespeople can sell to clients and increase their client bases through social media platforms. Social media platforms are increasingly becoming a popular sales medium; platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and even Snapchat have launched market places and ways to connect buyers and sellers. Effective salespeople should be aware of this opportunity and try to capitalize on this opportunity.
  3. Active Listening – This is the ability to understand and connect with your client. This ability helps you to clarify exactly what the needs of your client are and if your product or service is a good fit for them. The temptation for any salesperson is to dominate or overwhelm the conversation, but in fact taking a step back and listening the client is the best way to help the client and help you make more sales.

By Asher

3 thoughts on “How to Improve as a Salesperson”
  1. Hey, Asher! I like your advice about sales demoing. However, I think it is best if this occurs later in a sales conversation. It is important to conduct a need analysis first to even see if the customer has pain relative to what your product solves. So, maybe it is better to do active listening than transition to sales demoing. Great post!

  2. Good post, Asher. I think the sales demo is a great idea. It definitely could help increase confidence in the eyes of the buyer. Like Liam said in his comment, I would probably say that should be done after need analysis/active listening so it is solving the right problem.

  3. Interesting post. I think these all seem like good points. It is cool to see that the article mentioned active listening, as that has been a key aspect of what we have been learning in sales, along with its relationship to question asking and the importance of both of these.

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