I listened to my favorite podcast series recently, Freakonomics (you should check it out!) and heard about habits of highly effective people and I want to highlight some of the things that I learned:

Create a big, long term goal

Don’t be afraid to shoot for the stars with this goal. For example a sales goal. Maybe you have the goal of selling $12,000,000 in potty training products in a year. If I know that my goal is to sell $12,000,000 in a year then I know that I have to seek big contract deals and be creative with my time.  It is important to set a goal for yourself in order to know where you are going and to stay focused on achieving that goal.

Break Your Long Term Goal Into Short-term Goals

Creating a long-term goal can feel extremely overwhelming and unattainable. After you have created a long term goal is in important to break that goal down into small goals or benchmarks, which being added together allows you to see the achieve the overall goal.

Taking the potty training goal further if break my $12,000,000 down into months that is $1,000,000 a month and $250,000 a week and $50,000 a day. Now I can look at how much my business organically brings in a day and calculate how many sales I need to make a day.

The idea of breaking the goals down will gives you a place to start and make the overwhelming goals slightly less overwhelming.

4 thoughts on “How to Increase Productivity”
  1. Breaking down long term goals is the best the way to achieve them, having benchmarks along the way also allows you to track your progress along the way to reach your eventual long term goal.

  2. Yet another step-by-step guide to planning well for your future. Becoming an efficient/productive person takes a lot of time and practice. It’s best to start now!

  3. Setting long term goals is hard sometimes because its easy to feel afraid of the shame we’d feel if we didn’t meet them, but I agree with you in that they are a great way to approach the things we need to do to attain them.

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