When a customer comes in there is a good chance that they feel uncomfortable. All customers are going to be different so that means there is not one easy instant fix. Instead, all salesmen should equip themselves with the tools to quickly make a customer comfortable.

The first step is to assess the situation and decern the possible things that might be making the customer feel out of place. The second thing follows right after. Remember not to make hard and fast assumptions.  Thirdly approach the customer with good body language. Eye contact is important, but it is not the same for everyone. Some people like a lot of eye-contact some people feel nervus when there is too much. When it comes to eye contact imitating your customer is a good plan. Fourth ask basic but leading questions. These means not “yes” or “no” questions. You want to get the customer talking about themselves. Finally, be attentive to what they say. With these things done you should be well on your way to having a happy customer.

2 thoughts on “How to make a customer feel comfortable”
  1. So many good points here. It is important to make a conversation with a customer feel personal rather than strict business oriented. This will help them feel at ease and help you get to know them better.

  2. This is a great take on a relevant issue! I appreciated your unique approach and research! Active listening and body language are great things to keep in mind. Helping customers feel comfortable can open the door to key insights, good post!

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