Jim Rohn has a quote that I have connected with,

“Formal education will  make you a living – self education will make you a fortune.”

What does this quote mean?

I do not believe that the quote is a slam against formal education. There is pretty conclusive research indicating the financial reward for continued formal education, but what separates the ‘educated’ workforce from one another?

I believe the answer is being a self educator. Look at the founders of the most successful businesses today and you will find that they are some of the best self educators in the world today.

Elon Musk is a prime example of a self educator. Do you think that he knew about astrophysics when he decided that he would create the first commercial space business, and do you think that he had the knowledge of how a re-usable rocket would be possible?

The answer is an obvious no, but he has the grit and determination to read and become educated on the topic.

What is it that you find interesting?

Recently, I have become extremely interested in real estate and just finished a book by Larry Loftis about investing in real estate.

I challenge you to think about something that you are interested or passionate about and to self-educate yourself about the topic.

4 thoughts on “How to Make a Fortune”
  1. I think one of the best ways to self-educate yourself is to fail. If you go out and take a chance you might fail, but then you will learn lessons that will never appear in a book. And once you fail, you self educate yourself to succeed.

  2. Self-education is amazing. Nothing puts a “real world context” to an educational experience like actually having real world experiences. “Experience is the best education” – Regis Etzel

  3. I agree with Mark in that self education is extremely important to us. Its important to learn from our experiences; successes and failures alike to progress forward.

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