Making more sales involves VALUE.
IF a prospect perceives that the value you will give exceeds the value he will part with, he will buy.
So, if you have an elite offer, people will be foaming at the mouth to do business with you.
Here is elite offer formation…taught by Alex Hormozi – it looks like this:
Dream Outcome x Perceived Likelihood of Achievement
_______________________________________________________ = VALUE
Time Delay x Effort and Sacrifice
1) how can you frame your prospect’s dream outcome in a way that will resonate with them? (INCREASING dream outcome)
2) how can you show that you will guarantee success using your product/service? (INCREASING the prospect’s perceived likelihood of achievement)
3) how can you show that the time taken to achieve results will be shorter than they think? (DECREASING time delay)
4) how can you ease the effort and sacrifice on the prospect’s part to achieve the desired result? (DECREASING the prospect’s effort and sacrifice)
INCREASING the top side of the equation and DECREASING the bottom side of the equation, you will BALL OUT.
Happy Selling.
One thought on “How to make people sell themselves to you – Offer Creation Masterclass”
  1. This was an interesting post, but a bit confusing. I think it is because of the way you typed the equation. I do not fully understand the numerous underscores.

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