Sometimes in the sales world you will be called to either manage a team or work as a team member. During this time while working as a team, it is important that team members have a mindset that is a positive influence on the rest of the team. In order to be successful as a team, everyone must contribute. I believe motivation is an important factor that deals with all members of the team, whether that be a leader or a member. Below, are some simple strategies to help motivate a sales team…

  • Build trust with the people on the team.
    • The foundation for motivation is trust. If the members of the team do not trust you, it will be difficult to motivate other team members. When sales people are unmotivated, this is when the team runs into problems. It is important to create trust with your teammates so that when the team encounters struggles, you are able to lead them correctly.
  • Set daily, weekly, and monthly goals.
    • It is important to understand that different sales people are motivated in different ways. Some are motivated by contests, while others might be more driven by a quota. It is important to recognize the best way to motivate your team and set goals that apply to the desires of your team.
  • New Sales tools.
    • If you are a team leader, it is important to equip your team with the best equipment so that this can help them succeed in the sales world. If you are a team member, relaying new ideas to your team leader is a start. Provide reasons for the idea and how you believe it will increase the output of the team.

It is important to motivate your employees in a way that will help them desire to go that extra mile for the company. People who are not motivated will not suddenly become top performers. It is necessary to find what will make the sales team members tick and work for a reward that they feel is beneficial.

By PlantsAB1

Business Management Major

4 thoughts on “How to Motivate a Sales Team”
  1. I believe this is key. When players and even students for example, are not motivated or have no motivation / end goal they will not perform to the best abilities. The same goes for people in a sales position. When they have the drive or certain quota to meet, they will work towards it, and the best way to do that is to give them motivation.

  2. Keeping up to date with technology, staying hungry, and being likable and honest are all huge traits that are crucial when it comes to sales and almost anything. Keeping your employees hungry and driven, up to date in the field and good reps for the company is also a major key.

    1. Great blog post. Motivation is all about accepting new changes and and being open to learning. There is also a relation aspect involved. Sometimes you have to experience extreme lows with your team in order to be motivated together to do better.

  3. I really like the idea of setting daily, weekly, and monthly goals. I think it is important in any sales or even leadership position to set big goals. After you have the big goals, you set small(daily) goals that build up to achieve your big goals.

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