Tips to Ace Your Next Sales Call - Salesforce Canada Blog

The infamous sales call. The sales call can be the most daunting prospect for a new salesperson. The idea of picking up the phone and talking to a complete stranger and trying to convince them that you can add value to their business or them personally can be nerve-wracking. Marc Wayshak realized this and wrote an insightful article that provides some helpful hints to conquer the sales call.

First Wayshak discusses the need to open with distinction. What he means by this is that when you first say hello over the phone, say something that distinguishes you from other salespeople. The last thing most people want to hear when they pick up the phone is the traditional and overused salespeople tropes. People have gotten used to what a salesperson sounds like, so work hard to not sound like a salesperson from the start. Make it a conversation they’re excited about, not one they dread.

The second tip Wayshak highlights are, “show that you know their world.” There are plenty of salespeople out there that don’t do their homework before they pick up the phone. It is very easy for a customer to realize when a salesperson is ignorant of their industry. Imagine someone talking about a sport you love and know deeply when they’re just learning about the sport. Their ignorance is obvious. In the same way, customers can spot industry ignorance a mile away. So to avoid this, do your homework. Find out about the industry and the company that you’re calling. Show that you have insight into what your customer is a part of. This will show them that the person they’re talking to is serious and competent.

There are many scary things about sales when someone is just getting started. One of those things is picking up the phone for your first couple of sales calls. Although it can be scary to talk to a potential client, or stranger on the phone about what you can offer them, use these tips from Wayshak and calm your nerves. Wayshak’s tips can help make a sales call a pleasant experience for both people on the phone. Take a look at the rest of the article for some more tips.

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4 thoughts on “How to Start a Sales Call by Marc Wayshak”
  1. Very interesting blog, it is very well written and a practical way of approaching a sales call. Cold calling inhibits such a horrible reaction in most people but I like that you made sure to mention relationship building.

  2. I like the topic you selected! Cold calls are always tough because you do not know how the other person is going to react. I like the way you break down the different points and what each point meant.

  3. “Show me that you know their world” is a wonderful way to say, learn about them and what they do before you talk. I love this a lot, you will get nowhere if you do not understand where they are coming from.

  4. I feel sales call is dreaded by both salespeople and potential clients. So his initial point of differentiating yourself is very important. Having a hook to hold the interest of potential clients is important because even getting their attention in the first place is basically impossible.

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