So how do you tell that potential customer that they are wrong without losing their business? It is a very tricky business dealing with customers in a respectful way that will keep treat them with respect but also inform them properly. This is something incredibly important because now a days customers have so much information and they may think it is all correct but the fact of the matter is that they are misinformed. One way brought forth by Michael Boyette is to speak using the brain’s negative language. I had no idea what Negative Language was so we will go over that now for those of you who do not know.

So what is it? Visuals. The brain focuses prioritizes much of its capacity just to process images. This is why visuals are so powerful and persuasive for the brain. The brain has actually evolved in a way that it pairs visuals with “truth” and words as subject to debate (whether you believe this or not is up to you, this is a study from Dartmouth College). So in situation where you are trying to get your point across, including sales, use visuals.

So back to our buyer and seller. Say our seller whips out a few graphs and statistics about their business and product. The buyer is going to be more inclined to believe the hard, visual, facts and will believe what he has to say. Words alone can solve the issue, but if you are trying to build rapport and trust, a long debate on why you are right is not a good place to start.

For some sales people this is mind blowing. “Close my mouth and hope for the best?” Yes! A picture is worth a thousand words. Use them and save some of your own so the relationship between buyer and seller can start off on a good note and not a debate.