There are many ways that you can talk to a prospect when having a sales conversation, but professor Sweet taught us specific ways on how it should go. One common misconception is that the salesman should be trying to convince the prospect to buy their product. Although there may be some truth to that, it’s also a dangerous way of thinking when you’re in sales.

here are some tips that are beneficial for a salesman to keep in mind when talking to a prospect:

  • always have control of the conversation by asking questions. Don’t bore the prospect by telling them the great and cool features about the product you’re selling. Chances are that strategy won’t work. By asking questions, it’s keeping the prospect engaged into the conversation AND you’re finding out the root of their problem.
  • Make the conversation casual. The conversation shouldn’t feel like a sales conversation. It should feel like one that you could have with anyone. It should be genuine. You’re wanting to help the prospect by helping solve their problems, not by just getting money from them. This allows for the prospect to not feel as uneasy and pressured to say yes to your product. It also gains trust.
  •  Never answer an unasked question. You don’t want the prospect to constantly be asking you questions because then they’ll have control of the conversation. Sometimes giving them details about everything is unnecessary. It’s not blinding them, it’s just things that could maybe be discussed at a different time.
  • try to close the sale if you can. Don’t pressure them into anything, but dragging on the sale will probably end in the prospect not taking the offer, which wastes both of your times. make it sure that the prospect knows that they can say no at any point.
One thought on “How to Talk to a Prospect the Right Way-Post 8”
  1. I think that the last two tips are the ones that are perhaps the easiest to mess up. In a sales conversion, the salesperson might be tempted to show how attuned they are to the prospects and get a little carried away by answering unasked questions. Also, the close of the sales is very delicate. There needs to be pressure applied but too much may scare a cautious prospect away.

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