An integral part of the sales process is getting to know your prospects and establishing relationships—and it turns out that social media can help you accomplish this quickly and easily. Social media allows salespeople to see what prospect are saying about their brand and competitors. Not only can it help you generate new leads, but it allows you to build deeper relationship with existing client.

Step 1. Determine the best way to connect with prospect.

Social media is a smart selling tool only if your clients and prospect are using social media. If they are using social media you need to determine, which platform is best for your product. For example LinkedIn is a more professional networking environment, so this is the right place to connect with people at big corporations that might be interested in your product or service.

Step 2. Join a community and create a persona

The major thing with this is you should test out the platform you intend to use, so you know what to expect. Build up a persona account, have conversation, become acquainted with the norms.

Step 3. Connect

Conduct a search on each social media platform or use resources like to find people talking about your industry. Once you find prospects comment, like, retweet on their post to show them you see their problem. This makes you seem less like a salesperson and more like a friend

Step 4. Build relationship

The most important thing salespeople need to know is that they need to develop relationships more than they need to develop leads, because good relationships will turn into leads

Step 5 engage in a conversation

If you really listen to what they are saying on social media, you can open doors and start a conversation without having to make a cold call. Each social media platform has its own ways for you to engage in conversation. If you share good content with your social networks, it can spread easily, increasing your visibility with new leads

2 thoughts on “How to use social media to make sales”
  1. “If you really listen to what they are saying on social media, you can open doors and start a conversation without having to make a cold call.” Such a good point. It is a simple, free way to learn more about customers. Thanks for the article!

  2. Using social media as a way to attract others to makes sales is what I want to go into. There are so many great tactics to do this and I always find them fun. Excellent points in your post.

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