On Friday, the guest speaker was talking about hunters and farmers in the sales process. After thinking about it and reading an article about hunters and farmers, I realized that those terms are also relevant to those people seeking jobs. People seeking jobs are selling themselves to get an interview as well as during the interview. Today, employers don’t have to pursue candidates because the candidates are pursuing the job. If the candidate really wants the job, they will be the hunter by positioning themselves where they can get direct contact with the hiring decision maker rather than waiting to hear back about an interview. The hunters in the job market are the ones more likely to get the job because they are persistent in getting their foot in the door and are not relying on their resume to get them the interview. By showing that you are a hunter in trying to get the job, you are also showing that you will be a hunter and a hard working within the job. Even though in sales you need a mix of hunters and farmers, in the hiring process, being a hunter is the way to go.

4 thoughts on “Hunters or Farmers in the Job Market”
  1. I agree with the conclusion you draw here. As someone who was recently hunting for a job, I agree that you can’t sit back and try to “farm” for it, you actually have to put yourself out there and work hard to find the right job for you.

  2. This is a great point that you make. We will not be pursued by employers so we have to do the pursuing on our own. This even relates to purchasing products. Sometimes salespeople will pursue us but sometimes we have to be the ones to go and pursue a sale. This is a great observation!

  3. This is a very interesting concept that I need to take to heart, because as my time here at GCC comes to a close, I still do not have a job… I have prospects, but nothing definitive. I need to start taking on the role of the hunter in a more serious light.

  4. This is a great post! This was a really interesting way to view the perspective of a job seeker, and one which I hadn’t ever thought about before! I think it’s really important in business to have a wide variety of skills, and to be able to adapt to your surroundings, to be able to be a farmer one day, and a hunter the next! Great observations

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