David Starchier talked about one of his mottos in our last class and it stuck with me. He said,” I never loose I win or I learn.” This goes back to the week that we discussed the value of being able to persevere through rejection. This is a huge part of sales as it is such a numbers game, you are going to get rejected, especially during the beginning of you carrier as a salesman. So with this motto comes a mindset that can be essential to the salesman and life. This quote that he gave us is especially true because human, hopefully, will learn far more from adversity than they ever will from winning or being comfortable. This is something that I love and for me I like to put the emphasis on the learn. I in many cases see a failure that I learn from as a win because it will add to my arsenal of knowledge another scenario that I will hopefully know how to win the next time around. This is a mindset that, if you can get into, will alone be able to take many into success. learn from your mistakes.

3 thoughts on “I never loose, I win or I learn”
  1. Not only is it a great mindset to help you learn from your mistakes but it is also a great mindset to help you learn quickly from your mistakes. Failing is one thing but failing fast and getting back to finding what does work quickly is what is key.

  2. The beauty of sales is that every single situation will lead to you learning something, so every single sales pitch will be a win in some way. No, you will not land a sale every single time. Most likely not even the majority of the time, but from every single opportunity there is a chance to learn something new. What worked, what didn’t work? These things will help going forward in your sales technique and make you a better salesperson. Remembering that you can learn from failure is a great to keep yourself going knowing that it was not a total loss.

  3. I really enjoyed hearing his motto on winning and losing. Having a positive mindset in sales in very important, and with failure occurring so often in sales, it is very important to turn that into a learning experiences, instead of focusing on the negative and letting it bring you down. I totally agree with what you said about learning more from your failures that any success you’ll have, and think that its important for all salespeople to have that mindset in order to be successful.

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