My Ducky Durby experience was a mixed one. Firstly I was late to class and never actually made it to the classroom. I was adopted by a passing team who knew me. They quickly explained the competition but to be honest I had approached several prospects before I really knew what I was even selling. That definitely hurt my sales.

I then ran into my girlfriend and I thought I had a guaranteed sale but she had already bought a duck. This was a huge blow. I wandered campus aimlessly with my handful of unsigned duck wavers. Every person I walked up to had already bought a duck or was dead set against buying one on account of already being asked twenty times.

I then thought that nobody would have gone to Pew and I was right. I was the only duck selling in the building. However, the music majors were not so excited about a Greek life event. I only sold two ducks. On my way out I ran into a Grove City Staff member who I had I knew relatively well. As an adult with a full-time job, she was more willing to part with a few bucks to support the cause. This was when I realized I should have been approaching non-students from the beginning. But the time ran out and I only sold three ducks total. My group did not win.

4 thoughts on “I Only Sold Three Ducks”
  1. This post is so funny. I am so sorry you had a rough duck selling class, seems like it was stacked against you from the beginning! By the end you found out the strategy my group used. We sold to professors only because they have money. This class was a good opportunity, three ducks sold or not.

  2. Its great to see you decided to transition to Adults as that was a great strategy. You saw what was not working and looked to change that. Great post!

  3. My team followed the same approach you found at the end of selling to adults instead of broke college students. I definitely think this is where knowing who your target audience should be and prospecting to find clients can be so useful. Obviously we did not have time to plan out a strategy as we did not know we would be doing this activity, but it was definitely a great learning experience overall!

  4. Thar sounds like a bit of a bummer. I’m sorry your own girlfriend didn’t support you. I feel like I learned a lot from this exercise about how tough selling can actually be. fining a good prospect seems to be the hardest part of the sale!

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