If someone were to ask you what your occupation was would you say that you are a sales person? Some would say yes, some would say no, however, I think we are all sales people and here’s why.

Maybe you don’t work retail or telemarketing but actually we all are sales people and we all might even sell something every single day. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a doctor, student, child, adult, bank teller, we all sell.  What makes you a seller you might ask? Well, have you ever tried to convince your parents of something? Tried to ask you boss for a raise after you tell him/her about all of the great work you got done?  These are all times when you dabbled in the world of selling.

Realizing that everyone is a salesperson is a great way to remove that negative connotation we might have towards salesmen. If we look at selling as a way of identifying what people’s needs are and finding them a solution, you will realize that selling applies to all aspects of life.

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