Everyone says it is very importance to build a relationship with a client before getting them to buy your product. This accomplishes several different goals including making sure the product is right for the client, knowing the client is right for your business, and making sure that the client you are talking to is the real decision maker and not just a figure head. After this, the relationship is still important but for a dew different reasons other than the original ones. One of the new reasons to keep up a positive and strong relationship with the client after the sale is because the client my become a repeat customer. For instance, if the product is a AC unit the customer will most likely need to purchase a new one in a few years. Therefore, if you still have a relationship with the client after the original sale you are far more likely to receive any subsequent sales from that client. To keep this relationship one does not need to be super committed to keeping in communication with the client. Something as simple as a Christmas card and a Eater card may be enough in most circumstances to remind the client that you exist and have not forgotten about them. On a different note, if you are selling a service or a subscription it is best to keep in contact with the client and from time to time check in with them and make sure the product or service is living up to the clients expectation. This gives you room to possibly upsell the client and shows the client that you are not just after a quick sale but you truly care about the performance of your product and the people it helps. Overall, it is important to stay in contact with clients even after they have completed the sales process.

2 thoughts on “Importance of keeping relationships”
  1. It is absolutely always important to maintain relationships, in life and especially in sales. I have heard countless stories where a client that someone might not think of as a big client out of nowhere comes out and makes a massive purchase. You never know when a “small client” might end up being your biggest client. Maintain relationships and be consistent with everyone!

  2. You’re so right about the importance of keeping relationships as a salesperson! It is absolutely essential so that you can capture repeat business, and also so that you can serve your clients to the best of your ability! Sometimes what seems like a small client can end up being one of the best clients you have!

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