Improvising with in sales is something that many people shy away from because it makes the m uncomfortable and it leaves the conversation unpredictable. One, if you don’t improvise, you aren’t able to take command of the conversation and analyze the general responses, objections, and talking points that a prospect will say and be able to manipulate the conversation to fit you. Without improv, salespeople can’t guarantee the end result of a conversation and craft it to fit them. This step by step, no unknowns approach is how sales used do be, but that is not how sales are now. Some salespeople are still scared of the new way of doing sales that requires improve. They feel lost, scared, and uncertain of themselves, and they think that if they can’t account for all of the parts of the conversation, then they will get flustered, mess up and lose the deal. And maybe they will… at first. But ultimately, improv is a uncommonly used key to selling that can work wonders.

Going into a sales conversation prepared but non-controlling allows for the talk to go where it naturally should and where the prospect wants to go. This can lead to a more deep discussion that leads to the root of their problems and help you more easily know how to help them and close the sale. Improve can lead to more genuine interest that can just show your prospect a different level of care that other salespeople aren’t willing to show. It is intangible, and you would think that half the time it would go unnoticed, but even if it did, the times that it was noticed would totally change the reality of the and offer opportunities that you never would have been able to see otherwise.

2 thoughts on “Improv — The Feared Success Tip”
  1. It takes a lot of practice to become comfortable not having control of every detail, but long term starting that is a great step in becoming a more successful salesperson. I am a fan of watching improv games but I tend to tense up when I am put into an improv game. I learned through sweet that I need to start small and practice before I can be comfortable doing it well.

  2. Improvisation takes a lot of practice and it does not come easily to many people. If you want to watch good improvisation then I recommend the TV show “Whose Line is it Anyway”. The improvisation is very good and there is a lot of talent there as well. There is a lot of improv in sales and we need to work on it often. Good article.

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