Most recently in, in our sales class, we have been doing our sales conversation. Las class I had mine and it did not go quite as I had planned. Learning selling is all fine and good but putting it into practice is where the struggle begins. In class we have really reinforced focusing on asking questions rather that talking but in a real-life situation it is so hard to do. We, humans, love talking about ourselves and when you are in the heat of the moment and the customer asks you a question it is much easier to just start talking about your company than to tactfully turn their question into your question for them.
It is important in sales conversations to be able to think on your feet and to listen to the customer. Specifically in my conversation, I felt like I kept hitting this wall. I was trying to figure out the problem, but I really needed to focus on digging deeper instead of asking the same surface level question repeatedly. I had come in with a few questions ready to ask, but that did not end up being very helpful.
In short, the sales conversations are a great part of the class and they really push students on their ability to apply the concepts they learn in class. It is a good way to wrap up the semester.

One thought on “In-Class Sales conversations”
  1. Asking good, deep questions is very important if you wish to give the customer the best product for what they want/need. If we only ask entry level questions, then we will never discover the true pain and we’ll likely lose the customer.

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