In the movie inception, a team of people go deep into a man’s subconscious in a dream in order to insert an idea into his head and make him think that he came up with it.  If he realizes that it was not his original idea, but it was suggested by someone else, then he will immediately reject it and the mission will have failed.  He had to believe that he came up with the solution.  To that extent is probably unethical when it comes to sales, but it should be partially put into practice.  In sales, you should not be trying to convince the prospect that you solution is the best but helping them to figure that out for themselves.  If you simply keep naming features, benefits, and reasons why your solution is the best, then they will likely have their guard up and reject your idea because you are obviously trying to sell them something.  You must seek to understand their pain and help them to figure out that your solution will solve their problem.  So, in a sales conversation, I would not advise that you kidnap your prospect and hack their subconscious, but you should allow them to figure out on their own what exactly they desire.

3 thoughts on “Inception”
  1. Big fan of that movie. I agree about it’s application! I think helping the client discover how your solution fits with their problem is perfectly ethical, and a great way to go about this!

  2. The key to successful sales is not just in convincing someone to buy your product or service, but in helping them to understand why it is the best solution for their needs. When a prospect feels like they have arrived at the decision to buy on their own, it is much more likely to be a long-lasting and successful partnership. Rather than using unethical tactics to force an idea into someone’s mind, salespeople should focus on asking the right questions, actively listening, and guiding the conversation towards a solution that works for both parties. Ultimately, the goal should be to build trust and rapport, which will lead to a natural and authentic sales process.

  3. Really interesting article summary. The concept of planting ideas in someone’s mind in order to influence their decision-making is indeed ethically questionable, as seen in the movie Inception. However, the basic idea of guiding prospects towards a solution without overtly pushing it onto them is a sound principle in sales. By understanding the prospect’s needs and pain points, and then offering them relevant solutions, you are helping them to make an informed decision, rather than forcing your product onto them. It’s important to build a relationship of trust with prospects, and guide them towards a mutually beneficial solution rather than simply selling them something.

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