This morning I was in search for the absolute worst things a salesperson can say to a customer. I found many interesting and helpful articles but one that I read stuck out and really gave me a new way of thinking. This article connected selling to society and life in general and I enjoyed reading every word.

Some of the other answers that I found while in search for some horror stories of sales were very insightful. A couple of sayings that were found to immediately turn a customer were “you can’t trust our competitor”, “I’m sorry I missed our appointment”, “let me read you the description from our catalog”. I can absolutely see the negatives in all of these, the instant wall that is put up between a customer and a salesperson. This article brought to light a saying that you may not notice the problem in right away. And that is “Oh yes, this is our most popular item.” At first glance this is a common, and often reassuring saying for most consumers. This article goes in depth about how truly harmful this saying can be to consumers and societies growth in the bigger picture. I talks about how consumers long to be, and should be strong individuals that desire things different than everyother customer that a salesperson deals with. Saying that the rest of the world likes a product is saying to the customer “I know that you are all alike in your ignorance of this product line.” It’s encouraging customers to slip into the mold of every other customer in their demographic. This blog was a little bit of a expansion of the ideas in this article but you should all check the original article out, its very interesting and insightful!

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