In class we discussed how salespeople were conventionally though of as problem solvers but information symmetry between the buyer and seller has shifted the role of the salesperson to a problem identifier.

In the clip above from the movie The Big Short there is a great imbalance of information between Michael and the bank associates. Michael is incredibly knowledgeable about the market and knows exactly what he is doing while the bank associates try to help him understand that what he is asking for is definitely not what he wants. They have mistakenly taken him to be fool in need of financial council while it is, in fact, their bank that is need of financial council. As a result they have an incredibly awkward sales conversation where Michael eventually gets what he wants and the bank associates believe that he has just swindled himself and handed them a free $100 million.

This example illustrates how  information symmetry is crucial in a sales conversation. Without it there will not be clarity and one party is bound to misunderstand the other.

One thought on “Information Imbalance and Clarity”
  1. Hey there nice post! I loved the clip you added in there it is good clip from a great movie. I think you post had some great points to make regarding clarity. It is a key to sales that more need to understand. The balance of information is key to succeed.

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